BUMP&MIND Childbirth Affirmation Cards


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Our BUMP&MIND Childbirth Affirmation Cards come in a beautifully presented box of 20 quality cards, that cover;

  • The antenatal period
  • Labour and birth
  • The postnatal period
  • 3 blank cards to allow you to create meaningful affirmations just for you


Childbirth affirmations are positive, strong statements about your mind and body that aid in preparing you for your childbirth experience. They affirm to you something that you already know, but may have forgotten. The positive mental repetitions of childbirth affirmations work to reprogram your thinking patterns so that, over time, you begin to think, feel and act differently.

Affirmations work best when you tie emotion to what you are reading and truly believe in the power of positive thought.

Try these steps to help you get the most out of your birth affirmations;

  • Say your affirmations aloud
  • Like with learning any new skill, consistency is key. Make them part of your daily routine to fully reap the benefits. This is how affirmations transform your unconscious mind and become your reality
  • Ask yourself, what will it look like if I embody that affirmation?
  • Ask yourself, how it will feel if I embody that affirmation?

When you take these steps, you begin to form an emotional connection with the experience you are trying to create. This, in turn will help you to manifest it into reality.

Display your BUMP&MING Childbirth Affirmation Cards in your home and your safe and inspiring environment, so that you are able to enjoy and make use of them throughout your pregnancy. When used in labour and birth, the familiarity of having the affirmations cards that were displayed during your pregnancy will act as a trigger to help you relax, connect with your baby, encourage you to slow down and lift your confidence.